egelydate: 8/3/2024subject: biography

Hi, I'm Ege. As a person who doesn't like to talk much, I'll be brief. I'm of legal age, interested in software and politics. I spent most of my life in software. I don't regret it either. I have experience in C, C++, C#, Python, Javascript, Typescript languages and Web, OpenGL. In my free time I like to do difficult things from scratch. Sometimes I act toxic and sometimes normal. We are all human after all. Sometimes I watch anime, usually romantic anime. Am I ashamed of it? Yes. Anyway, you can see my social media and internet links below. You can reach me from there. By the way, if you noticed, the site is very simple; Yes, I like simplicity. Have a good day!!!

On the political compass, I see myself as libertarian center-left. I don't usually put it like that, I call myself a direct democrat. I find laissez-faire, freedom of speech, participatory democracy right. In software, I support and contribute to free software.

Contact me if you want to work project.(click to mail me)